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11月24日雅思口语考试预测 | 考前预测

2017-04-12 11:18:45 编辑:无 浏览:(3130次)





Part 1

Part 2 高频预测


Describe a trip youwent on by public transport

You should say:

Where you went?

What means of transportation you took?

Who you were with?

And how you felt about the trip

Though Ihave my own car, I often use public transportation. I do so to allow my otherfamily members to use my car for their own important tasks and sometimes I usepublic transportation like the bus to go to a long route. Some of the remoteareas are not quite as easy to travel by cars and for those places, I use apublic transportation like the taxi or the rented motorbike. One such trip thatI remember I took 2 years ago when I visited one of my aunts' house. My auntwas married to a civil engineer and they had 3 kids. Their living place waskind of a remote area and took almost 10-12 hours to reach. It was themid-autumn when I had the trip and I alone went there. I had to use 3-4different public transportation to finally reach my aunt's house.

I took a bus and it stopped when we reached near a river after 4-5 hoursjourney. I had to use a boat to pass the river and after that, I took anotherbus and finally an auto rickshaw to reach my aunt’s living place.

The trip was a long one and it was neither a very pleasant journey nor a verydisturbing one as well. Changing the transportation few times, carrying the 2heavy bags were something that annoyed me. But I enjoyed the natural scenery, adifferent routine that the usual busy life, scenic beauty on the both sides ofthe road, the beautiful river and the new people and place. I mostly listenedto music from my MP3 player and read a magazine on my journey and I enjoyedthat also.

I took the public transportation mainly for 3 reasons: Firstly, I left it homeso that other family members can use it if needed as I would be away for abouta week. Secondly, I did not know the exact route to the place I travelled andthat's why it would have been a bit uncertain to take my private car to a routethat I have no idea about. Finally, it was a remote area and taking my carwould have caused extra tension like parking it, fueling it and that why Ipreferred to take the journey in the public transportation.