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2020-10-29 11:52:29 编辑:无 浏览:(1454次)






Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspaper and TV has bad consequence, so this type of information should be strictly restricted on the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    范文由环球教育加拿大国籍老师 Khalid Hasmath 老师本人执笔创造,仅供学术交流。

Portraying criminal descriptions in an explanatory manner in the media has been a controversial topic since the advent of the printing press. Nonetheless, the merits and demerits of such publications will be explored and discussed in great detail.

By depicting criminal activities in the media, the public has the ability to become aware of the schemes that are used by lawbreakers to scam individuals. In this way, citizens can choose to protect themselves from scammers and thieves by preventing any harm to their loved ones and themselves. Moreover, criminals can easily be identified by residents, leading people to contact law enforcement in the event they spot unlawful behaviour, thus reducing the incidence of crime. By spreading information about wanted individuals, the media has the power to increase the chances these hoodlums are detained in a timely fashion.

On the contrary, the horror and cruelty of crimes committed by criminals might be inappropriate for some viewers and readers. This is particularly true for impressionable and vulnerable groups including youth and the mentally ill. By observing criminals in their element, ordinary viewers may pick up ideas to rob banks or steal vehicles, which is definitely not in the public interest. The possibility of higher crime rates may exist when the wider population is aware of the atrocities committed in the criminal world.

All in all, the public ought to have some knowledge of crime that exists in their local areas, which can assist police officers in the hunt for criminals. Nevertheless, the details and inhumanity of people’s crimes should not be described in gory detail to ensure that certain groups of individuals do not follow in theirfootsteps. (276 words)